Projects Tagged: "Golang"

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Implementing Concurrency in Golang Using the Repository Pattern

how to implement concurrency in Golang using the repository pattern. It walks through building a concurrent website scraper using Goroutines and channels, with a focus on clean, maintainable code by separating the data access logic from the business logic.

Introduction to Golang Modules

Go Modules provide an integrated way to manage dependencies and versions in Go projects, allowing for flexible development outside GOPATH, ensuring reproducible builds, and simplifying dependency management.

Understanding Repository Design Pattern with Native Golang

This article explains how to implement the repository pattern in Golang for CRUD operations using PostgreSQL. It includes a detailed guide with code examples for creating a clean separation between the business logic and the data access layer.

Understanding the Type Mismatch in Golang httprouter.Handle

This article addresses the common type mismatch error encountered when using httprouter in Golang. It explains the cause of the error due to mismatched function signatures and provides a step-by-step guide to fixing it by ensuring handler functions conform to the expected signature of httprouter.Handle.

🚀 Liveonsat API

Create an API to display data from liveonsat scraper